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Urban Games


Statistics and Data Layers

There are several ways to get information about the current status of the maps population, the company finances and the network key numbers. They can be accessed in the corners of the game window:

  1. Data layers can be accessed with the button in the top left corner.
  2. Financial reports are located in the bottom left corner.
  3. Other statistics are located in the bottom right corner.


To help keep track of progress, various statistics for lines, vehicles, stations, cities and industries are available in the bottom right corner. They all present data in tables which can be sorted by different criteria. The individual contents are explained below. Additionally, it is possible to get a lot of information from the individual information windows of the different entities that can be accessed by clicking on the objects or list entries.

Most of the windows can be pinned to stay open by clicking on the button in the top right corner or moving them away from the place where they opened. The details windows often provide the possibility to rename the individual entity (vehicle, station, people, …) by pressing on the button.

Line Statistics

The line statistics show the current status of every line. Beside the name there is information about the current load of all vehicles on the line, the frequencies and rates as well as the annual balance available.

The window provides several filter functions in the top left corner 1. It is possible to filter the entries by different categories:

  • shows all lines.
  • shows only bus and truck lines.
  • shows only tram lines.
  • shows only train lines.
  • shows only ship lines.
  • shows only aircraft lines.
  • shows all lines that are visible in the current viewport. This filter can be combined with any of the previous.

On the same level but on the right side is a search field 2. It can be used to search for a text in the names of the lines or the vehicle names of each line.

The results are displayed in the table below 3 with several columns:

  • Line displays the color and line name of the line. This column sorts alphabetically.
  • Vehicles shows a short summary of all used vehicles of this line. Trains that have a locomotive or coach several times are displayed in a shortened version with small numbers indicating the repeated models. If there are more vehicles on the line than the space is available, a blue bubble with +X indicates that there are more vehicles on the line than displayed.
  • Cargo summarizes the amount of cargo that is currently loaded into the vehicles as well as the maximum capacity available in them. The cargo type is indicated by a small symbol and a tooltip tells the name when the mouse points on that icon. This column sorts by cargo type.
  • Frequency indicates the time between two vehicles of that line in real time at normal game speed. This column sorts by time.
  • Rate indicates the average yearly amount of cargo/passengers that is transported per station. This column sorts by number.
  • Balance is the current annual profit or loss. This column sorts by number.

Line Details

By clicking on a row in the table of the line statistics window or any other place where the line is mentioned the line window pops up. This window consists of three different tabs: an overview, financial statistics and charts with transported cargo.

The OVERVIEW tab shows similar numbers to the ones from the statistics table window: the overall balance of the past year, the current yearly throughput rate, the time interval between vehicles and currently loaded cargo and capacity per cargo type. Below is a list of all vehicles on the line with their age.

In the FINANCES tab, a chart shows the financial balance splitted in the actual income from the transported cargo and the maintenance cost of rolling stock. The time interval can be changed with the slider above the chart to get a better overview of the historic development of finances.

The tab called CHARTS displays the amount of transported cargo in a similar time frame. It can be changed in the same way. To see the exact values, simply hover over one column until the tooltip appears.

Vehicle Statistics

The vehicle statistics show the current status of every vehicle. Beside the name there is information about the current load of all vehicles on the line, the frequencies and rates as well as the annual balance available.

The window provides the same filter functions as the line statistics table 1. The search field can be used to search for a text in the names of the vehicles or the name of their lines 2.

The results are displayed in the table below 3 with several columns:

  • Name displays the individual name of the vehicle. This column sorts alphabetically.
  • Vehicle shows a short summary of the vehicle composition. Trains that contain a locomotive or coach several times are displayed in a shortened version with small numbers indicating the repeated models.
  • Line displays the color and line name of the line. This column sorts alphabetically.
  • Cargo summarizes the amount of cargo that is currently loaded into the vehicle as well as the maximum capacity available in it. The cargo type is indicated by a small symbol and a tooltip tells the name when the mouse points on that icon. This column sorts by cargo type.
  • Maintenance indicates the level of maintenance (cost) that is set for the vehicle to hold a certain condition.
  • Condition indicates the current condition of the vehicle.
  • Emission is dependent on the vehicle type as well as on the current condition. Emissions are smaller when the condition is better. This column sorts by number.
  • Age shows the age of the vehicle. This age is relative to the current calendar speed. This column sorts by number.
  • Balance is the current annual profit or loss. This column sorts by number.

Vehicle Details

By clicking on a row in the table of the vehicle statistics window, the actual vehicle in any camera view or any other place where the vehicle is mentioned the vehicle window pops up. This window consists of three different tabs, an overview, details and financial statistics.

The OVERVIEW tab shows the current annual balance, cargo load and capacity.

In the DETAILS tab, condition, emission, maintenance level and year are listed as well. Additional information are the yearly running cost and the value of the vehicle.

The tab called FINANCES shows the financial balance splitted in the actual income from the transported cargo and the maintenance cost of the vehicle. The time interval can be changed with the slider above the chart to get a better overview of the historic development of finances. To see the exact values, simply hover over one column until the tooltip appears.

See the vehicles section for more details on other available controls and information.

Station Statistics

The station statistics show the current status of every station. Beside the name there is information about the town to which the station is assigned, the type of station, current waiting cargo, overflow condition and the maintenance costs.

The window consists of a table with several columns:

  • Name displays the individual name of the station. This column sorts alphabetically. Click on the button to move the camera to the station.
  • Town is the name of the town that the station is associated with. This column sorts alphabetically. Click on the button to move the camera to the town. Keep in mind that stations at industries can be far from the town center.
  • Type indicates whether it is a passenger or cargo station. Combined stations have two separate rows in the table.
  • Cargo summarizes the amount of cargo that is currently waiting at the station. The cargo type is indicated by a small symbol and a tooltip tells the name when the mouse points on that icon. This column sorts by cargo type.
  • Overload shows the level of overload in terms of waiting passengers or cargo. A bad situation leads to a negative town growth effect.
  • Maintenance indicates the maintenance costs of the station infrastructure. This column is sorted by number.

Station Details

By clicking on a row in the table of the station statistics window, the actual station in any camera view or any other place where the station is mentioned the station window pops up. This window consists of three different tabs, an overview, terminals list and charts. Keep in mind that combined passenger and cargo stations consist of two parts, each with its own window and terminal list.

The OVERVIEW tab shows a list of waiting cargo and passengers, grouped per line and direction. If there is an overload situation, this is highlighted with a small exclamation mark.

In the TERMINALS tab, there is a row for each terminal of the station with a list of lines stopping at that platform. By selecting one of the lines, it can be assigned to a different platform.

The tab called CHARTS shows the number of passengers or cargo that was loaded and unloaded at this station. The time interval can be changed with the slider above the chart to get a better overview of the historic development of finances. To see the exact values, simply hover over one column until the tooltip appears.

Town Statistics

The town statistics show the current status of every town. Beside the name there is information about the town size, public and private transports and cargo supply as well as a summary of town growth factors.

The window consists of a table with several columns:

  • Name displays the individual name of the town. This column sorts alphabetically. Click on the button to move the camera to the town center.
  • Size shows the current population of the town. This column sorts by number.
  • Public transport shows the number of individual destinations (houses) which are reached with public traffic. This column sorts by number.
  • Private transport shows the number of individual destinations (houses) which are reached with private transport, e.g. by foot or by car. This column sorts by number.
  • Cargo summarizes the amount of cargo that is currently supplied to the town. The cargo type is indicated by a small symbol and a tooltip tells the name when the mouse points on that icon. This column sorts by cargo type.
  • Station Rating shows the combined level of overload of all stations in the town. A bad situation leads to a negative town growth effect.
  • Traffic shows the overall traffic situation on the streets in the town. A bad situation leads to a negative town growth effect.
  • Emissions shows the overall emission balance of the town. A lot of emission leads to a negative town growth effect.
  • Growth shows the relative growth factor beyond the target population of the town. See town description section for more details.

Town Details

By clicking on a row in the table of the town statistics window, the actual town name in any camera view or any other place where the town is mentioned the town window pops up. This window consists of four different tabs, an overview, charts, destinations and suppliers lists.

The OVERVIEW tab shows a summary of the current town situation and growth effect. See town description section for more details.

In the CHARTS tab, the growth of the town since its foundation is shown in a chart. There is a line for the three district types residential, industrial and commercial. To see the exact values, simply hover over a point on the lines until the tooltip appears.

The tab called DESTINATIONS shows a list with a row for every other town that can be reached. It shows how many individual destinations are in that other city and the percentage of public transport that is used to reach these destinations. By clicking on the button, the camera jumps to the other town.

To see where the cargo needed in the town may come from, you can take a look at the SUPPLIERS tab. It shows a list of all possible industries that can supply the needed goods. It shows which cargo type they produce and how high their output and the percentage of successfully transported cargo is. By clicking on the button, the camera jumps to the supplier.

Industry Statistics

The industry statistics show the current status of every industry. Beside the name there is information about the town, required and produced cargo as well as the production amount and the percentage of transported cargo.

The window consists of a table with several columns:

  • Name displays the individual name of the industry. This column sorts alphabetically. Click on the button to move the camera to the industry.
  • Requirements lists all cargo types that are required for production. The cargo types are indicated by a small symbol and a tooltip tells the name when the mouse points on that icon. This column sorts by cargo type.
  • Product lists all cargo types that are produced by this industry. The cargo types are indicated by a small symbol and a tooltip tells the name when the mouse points on that icon. This column sorts by cargo type.
  • Shipment shows the number of cargo units per year that are shipped to other industries or towns. This column sorts by number.
  • Transport shows the percentage of successfully delivered cargo items. This column sorts by number.
  • Production shows the number of cargo units that are produced per year. This column sorts by number.

Industry Details

By clicking on a row in the table of the industry statistics window, the actual industry in any camera view or any other place where the industry is mentioned the industry window pops up. This window consists of four different tabs, an overview, suppliers and consumers lists as well as some charts.

The OVERVIEW tab shows a summary of the current industry situation with its production level. See industry description section for more details.

In the SUPPLIERS tab, there is a list of all possible industries that can supply the required goods. It shows which cargo type they produce and how high their output and the percentage of successfully transported cargo is. By clicking on the button, the camera jumps to the supplier.

The CONSUMERS tab has a similar structure as the previous one, but shows every potential consumer that requires the products, either towns or other industries.

The tab called CHARTS shows the number of produced and shipped cargo of this industry. The time interval can be changed with the slider above the chart. To see the exact values, simply hover over one column until the tooltip appears.

Data Layers

Data layers visualize important information about the game world directly on the map. Below is a list of all available data layers and their individual meaning and tools.

Contour Lines

Click the button to open the contour lines layer. It paints the map in a white to green color scale. The greener the area, the higher it is. The current height below the mouse cursor is shown too. Grey contour lines with different widths provide information about the course of the hillsides.

As vehicles need more power when they have to drive uphill, try to avoid large gradients. When building infrastructure, it is best to follow the contour lines to save money.
Terrain changes are expensive too.

Click the button to open the navigable waters layer. Areas of water that are deep enough and not obstructed by low bridges or harbor piers are highlighted in green color. Ships can only move in these regions and there has to be a path of navigable water between the stations on their route, otherwise they can't run on the route.

Be aware that flat bridges hinder ships from passing, thus build them high enough if you want to let ships pass them. You can add new areas of navigable water by using the terrain tool and digging deep enough.

Land Use

Click the button to open the land use layer. All houses are painted according to their use and level. Residential houses are highlighted in green color, commercial houses are blue and industrial compounds are yellow. The higher the level of the house, the more saturated the color.

See the town section to find out how towns grow and houses level up.

Track Speed Limits

Click the button to open the track speed limits layer. All tracks are highlighted in a color between red and blue. Red tracks have a low speed limit, blue tracks can be used at high speed. The actual speed limit is shown by numbers in small black boxes along the tracks.

The speed limit depends on the track type used as well as the radius of curves. Some bridges have lower limits too.


Click the button to open the destinations layer. This layer shows the routes that people take on the map. Public transport is highlighted in green, private transport is highlighted in blue. The more people use a route, the higher the saturation. Small labels indicate how many people use a particular road or track section on their travels.

It is possible to filter the routes for inhabitants of a single town to find out where they travel by choosing the town name in the dropdown.


Click the button to open the cargo layer. This layer shows the routes that cargo take on the map. The more cargo items use a route, the higher the green saturation. Small labels indicate how many cargo items use a particular road or track section on their travels.

The supply of cargo to the commercial and industrial districts in towns is highlighted too. A good supply is indicated by a high saturation of blue (commercial) or yellow (industrial) color. Every house that has a cargo demand shows the type of required cargo with a small cargo icon above it.


Click the button to open the stations layer. This layer highlights all the stations. Stations that are overcrowded are colored red. This has a negative impact on town growth.

Possible countermeasures are the enlargement of station terminals (longer platforms, bigger buildings, …) or an increase in vehicle capacity or amount to pick up more passengers and goods.

Street Traffic

Click the button to open the street traffic layer. Streets with traffic jams are highlighted in red, the ones without lots of traffic are blue. Traffic jams have a negative effect on town growth. Try to avoid traffic jams by optimizing the street network or improving the public transport services.

If you zoom in, there are two additional tools that can be used. At every street intersection, it is possible to click on the button to enable traffic lights. Then the traffic at the intersection is managed with time interval green phases. Intersections with gray traffic light icons do not have traffic lights. Then the traffic follows the usual priority rules.

Every street section has a button. When it is activated and the icon turns white, the street section is player owned. Then the town can't change the street type anymore, but the player has to pay for street maintenance costs. Street sections with the gray lock symbol are not player owned.


Click the button to open the emissions layer. This layer highlights the areas that are affected by emissions like noise and exhaust gases. The higher the emissions, the higher the saturation of red. It is possible to show the average or the current emission. The emission at the cursor position is visible in the window too.

Residential areas with high emissions have a negative impact on town growth. The commercial and industrial districts are not as sensible as the residential district. To reduce emissions, you can try to route around residential areas wherever possible and to use modern low-emission vehicles with a high maintenance level.

gamemanual/statisticsdatalayers.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/12 15:07 by marlon