We are very excited to announce a new major game update today.
Based on the feedback we receive every day, we have been working for some time now on a long list of bug fixes, usability improvements and small enhancements to enrich the gaming experience. The update is to be released this summer and will be available as a test version before that.
Over the next few weeks we will provide further insights into the upcoming update via our social media channels. Follow us on <Facebook>, <Twitter> or <Instagram> so that you don`t miss any information.
Thank you very much for the great ongoing interest in Transport Fever 2. We assure you that we will continue to listen to your feedback and improve the game.
What kind of update will it be? Another pack of eye candy or will it help the managment experience. For example the time table mod is the biggest improvement for this game so far.
I Hope its a Update to help Stability in-game when you have steam workshop mods installed and activated as well
Yes!!! I’m very excited, keep it coming!
I hope it contains some more resources maybe? Or making the industry builing models adjust to the game era (especially the lighting) — one can only dream! But in any case, I will probably be very happy about the update. I really like the game and I’m thankful for the amount of free updates you guys are giving us! Thanks so much! 🙂
There are a few minor bugs that would be lovely to have fixed:
1) When modifying a Transit Station, for example for Trams, if you do it before putting in roads you can do whatever you want. As soon as any road is nearby – even the entrance road for it – the game freaks out and complains about a collission for even minor modifications. Want to make one way entrances and exits, adjacent to the existing road feeding the transit station? Impossible, at least without destroying the road and houses attached to it.
2) It’s very difficult to remove tunnels if anything is over them, like a city or farm. Typically you’d use tunnels because… there’s something over them, like a city or farm, so, it comes up a lot. An “Underground mode” would help here.
3) Maybe it’s just me but the TF1 icons for trains and trams were a lot better. I find the TF2 ones cartoony and annoying. I turn them off first thing every time I load up a game, and the game keeps turning them back on after closing it. Something a little more sleek/tech looking and transparent would be less intrusive.
4) There are times when adding a second stop on the other side of the street in a tram Line will flip the Terminals to an obviously incorrect arrangement, requiring 2 U turns along the path rather than the obvious. straight through each way path. It seems like the game’s code should be able to figure this out and fix this by default.
5) It would be nice if there was a “Decommission Vehicle” thing in the Sell menu so that it makes its final stops, gets everyone out then vanishes. Today you have to very carefully wait until it gets everyone out and sell it right before anyone boards, or passengers seem to… vanish? Where do they go? Murder?
6) Subways! The game needs subways. Any attempt to mirror a real life city requires multiple “cities” to cover the space, which then connect themselves with roads like it or not and rapidly congest themselves with traffic, which mires any trams in that traffic, and you just become stuck in a problem that really needs… transit.
I am really looking forward to a more realistic handling of freight trains. For transfer, freight trains are not being unloaded. Instead, the loaded cars are rearranged into new trains. So the introduction of transfer yards or switchyards would be cool.
1.Ein Forschungslabor wäre super damit man auch den Komfort der jeweiligen Transportation einstellen kann 2 Claas Business e.g.
2. Man sollte mehr Möglichkeiten haben seine Städte selbst auszubauen.
3.Steuersätze wären super und wenn man die Einnahmen steuern kann wieviel eine Person zahlt bei welchem Transportmittel
4.Sehr viele Crashs mit AMD Hardware.
5.Ich möchte auch Gebäude modifizieren selbst Modifizieren können wo z.B. die Fabrik hinkommt sprich Fabrik Viertel wo Wohngebäude sind und Geschäfte so könne man dann mehrere verschiedene Verbindungen machen z.B. 1 weg zur Fabrik ein Weg zum Einkauf usw.
6. Straßen Geschwindigkeit selbst regeln in der Stadt z.B. 30km/h um Emissionen zu verringern
7.z.B Makiert man einen Bereich und dort siedeln z.B. Arbeiter an die in den Farmen arbeiten Sprich Arme, Mittel und Reiche Menschen Schicht wo jeder unterschiedliche Güter benötigt die dann unterschiedliche Reisemöglichkeiten benutzen der Reiche fliegt z.B. Business Claas der Arme fährt mit dem Bus
Lieber Manuel,
das Spiel ist keine Städtesimulation wie Cities: Skyline, SimCity oder ähnliches. Es geht in dem Spiel um eine Verkehrssimulation und diese sollte sie meines Erachtens auch bleiben. Daher widerspreche ich bis auf Punkt 4.
Subways, the ability to build large tunnel networks under cities and for the AI to actually use them in order to lower emissions, more runways per airport, more vehicles, the ability to set up air corridors, and no-fly zones over urban areas. This game is excellent, but feels incomplete
1. Der große Traum wäre eine Wetter Mod/Jahreszeiten
Mit der Auswahl von Schnee , Regen , Nebel, Sonne und vieles mehr 😉
2. Zugansagen (Echte -> zb. Wenn ein Zug vorbeikommt )
3. Wasserfälle sowie Erhöhungen des Wassers
4. Weitere Zugansichten
5. Größere Passagierflughäfen/International Airports
6. Mehr Auswählbare Bahnübergänge und Brücken
7. Mehr Auswählbare Bahnhöfe
Ja, das sieht so aus als ob es wieder so läuft wie bei TF1, veröffentlichen, Bugfixes, 2 oder 3 Updates und dann… TF3.
Ich liebe diese Spielereihe (Insgesamt >2K Spielzeit), bin aber von dem Vorgehen bei Urban Games nicht sonderlich erbaut und würde mir wünschen das man das Ganze etwas anders händelt. Warum alle 3 – 4 Jahre ein neues Spiel? Man könnte hier das Spiel kontinuierlich weiter entwickeln und die Anregungen aus der Community umsetzen, Einnahmen kann man über DLC’s generieren, das funktioniert auch bei anderen Spielen gut (City Skylines, ETS2, ATS und es gibt sicherlich noch mehr Beispiele) hier wird das Basisspiel immer weiter verbessert und sukzessive durch DLC’s erweitert.
Nun noch mein persönlicher Wunsch: Ich würde gerne Städte selbst bauen (die Straßen) und dann bestimmen können wo welche Zonen (Industrie, Gewerbe und Einwohner) vom Generator angesiedelt werden, das würde jede Menge Zeit sparen weil man jetzt die gebauten Gebäude immer wieder (für viel Geld) abreisen muss und hoffen muss das die KI versteht das man hier halt den Typ Gebäude an der Stelle nicht haben will.
This is good news and i am very excited for the coming update. Here are a few suggestions to enhance the game.
1. Bigger maps for experimental mode. It would be good to better have the space to both include local, regional and intercity train systems on the same map. For example a map with 50 x 50 km or 100 x 100 km. To get this possible and get better performance, have the option to exclude people and moving vegetation or maybe to make buildings generate fewer people and less cars.
2. Subways and tunnel stations. This could be both as subways with third rail or regular railways.
3. Sunken stations with station entrance one level above the railways. or a station entrance from a bridge above the railways.
4. Lowered demands from cities to accept goods and food. This could make it a more challenge to distribute goods from an industry to many customers.
5. have the options for A.I opponents that you can collaborate with transfer of passengers and goods.
6. have the option to ban highrise buildings in different cities, to be able to make suburbs with only low residental buildings and city centers with high buildings.
Es un juego excelente pero le agregaria ciertas dinamicas que lo enriqueserian bastante como :
1) Que los vehiculos se rompan por el uso o algun factor y tengan que esperar al mecanico o la grua.
2) La implementacion de combustibles para los vehiculos.
3) Acomodar ciertos productos y vehiculos por era. Es decir que haya una verdadera evolucion. Como por ejemplo, existasn fabricas de vehiculos que haya que pedirles los vehiculos y esperar por ellos, dependiendo cuanto se pague.
4) dia/noche
5) estaciones climaticas ( invierno, verano, otoño y primavera ) => posibilidad de nieve e inundaciones.
6) accidentes, protestas sociales que dificulten el movimiento de los vehiculos.
7) mas realismo en la produccion y variedad de productos .
Mein Wunsch wäre die Möglichkeit Fenster ( z.B. Linienstatistik ) auf einen 2. Monitor verschieben zu können.
Das finde ich einen sehr guten Vorschlag.
Have Waypoint setting for Airplanes, be able to change flight routes,
fix the problem of planes flying to a high mountain.
Lane-bound waypoints for streets.
Fix the lags.
Some API enhancements.
Bitte rBAR Support implementieren um die CPU last zu reduzieren.
We want to be able to use REAL WORLD MAP with REAL WORLD POPULATION in REAL TIME (google map + worldometers.info/world-population) something like NIMBYrails and even better. We want tramway line to be able to use on green land, near street, or between street lines, not only on streets, evven to borough segment of rail for difficult terrain, tramways to be able to use rail network for some kilometers limit.
Car/truck-, and train ferrys would be nice
Ich fände es schön Lokwechsel und ähnliches zu ermöglichen:)
kann man ja doch, einfach fahtzeug konfihuriren und lockwechseln, nur problematisch wird es wenn man ein ami ähnlichen zug hat, bis der vorne ist, haben wir nächste Weihnachten XD
Ich fände es auch schön den RRX und den ICE1-4 in Original spiel zu haben. Auch neue Privatbahnen wie die Eurobahn würden dem Spiel gut tuen. Sehr toll währe auch das Talent 1 im Spiel:)
1). We need a button “demolition of everything you built”, where there are sections by type of transport.
2). New locomotives should appear in locomotive depots, and wagons in wagon depots.
3). Why are there no villages?
4). Where there is an industry in an open field, it is necessary that the infrastructure grows with development. That is, housing and commerce around these businesses. That is, a town, at the birth of which it is proposed to name it somehow.
5). The initial start of the game can be on an empty map, on which there is, for example, a deposit, near which mining, processing of raw materials begins, and gradually the growth of the settlement and the development of infrastructure.
6.) There are not enough industrial chains, and, as a result, the types of vhons. For example, there is no nuclear power, and there are no wagons for the transportation of nuclear cargo. There are no military units, and there are no military cargo and corresponding wagons.
7). Cargoes at stations should appear in the form of wagons and trains. And after that, a locomotive comes to pick them up from the depot or from other stations. And if there are not enough wagons, then factory warehouses are filled up, where not exported products rusts, molds, and deteriorates. Hence – forfeits, compensation, termination of contracts.
8). Based on point 7, there is a logical need for paperwork, securities, signed contracts, commodity and stock exchanges. And therefore, in a variety of logos, brands, etc. markers of the economy, and of course, at least competitive bots.
9). Demolition of enterprises.
10). Adjustable railways bridges.
11). Development of certain real-world regions based on real cartography.
12). The possibility of arranging an access road of the enterprise without station buildings, platforms, etc. It happens, believe me.
13). There are not enough stations in the curved section of the track.
Tag und Nachtwechsel wäre Cool. Am besten wäre wenn das Spiel eine Mehrkehrn CPU nutzen könnte. Sonst bin ich voll zufrieden und glücklich mit dem Spiel. Danke Urban Games.
Es nutzt alle Kerne bei mir, nur nicht 100% effizient, sondern ~50%.
I have a question for the devs. Do you use link time optimisations, on gcc and clang -flto? And if you do, how much performance improvement does it give? And please give the car AI rules like: Do not block intersections.
A thing that I would really like to see is for the vehicles to use the first available terminal within a station.
In real life trains usually don’t always depart from the same track, especially not cargo trains.
In the game I often get congestions when trains wait for their terminal to become available while there are other tracks within the same station that are empty at the same time.
Perhaps we could also get the option to “auto-replace” vehicles when they pass their expected life expectancy?
I know You don’t have to replace the vehicles, but You are still prompted to do so and older vehicles emit more noise and cost more to maintain.
If You could get this as an option You can choose wether to use it or not.
I partly agree with the need for a “take first available track” improvement.
Through-trains should in any case take what ever is available to them. However as I fear that a.) constantly having to work out new routings would overtaxe my system and b.) the system to often would make stupid decisions leading trains meandering across the whole map, I would love to see a feature to group tracks or the corresponding signals. So any train routed on any one of this tracks would automaticly take the first available of the group.
Against congestions I also would love to have “time-valves”. With this I mean a signal with a (adujustable) timer keeping it “red” for a certain time and after that making it functional like any other signal. One of those on every line would prevent trains of this line cachting up with each other and blocking throughfare whilst waiting.
As I as a real life passenger hate it, when at the last minute bevore departure it is anounced that the train leaves on a different track, I won´t impose such thing on my SIMs eighter. But I would love these two improvments: a.) SIMs take the next available (direkt) train to their destination, in particular when these lines depart from the same platform. And b.) I would love to have the “Zurich system”, some platforms (meaning a track on the left and one on the right of a platform in the middle) are served unidirectional and the public info system anounces the platform for departure. Trains then use the two tracks as suited and passengers only have to turn left or right on the platform for their train. It´s a bit difficult to wholly explain here. But some at UG will know what I mean as UG is based whithin commuting distance of Zurich main station.
I saw the news article “Summer Update Preview: Smoke and Sounds” posted on Steam on April 27th.
I had high expectations for the summer update, but is it a small update?
If there is an addition of environmental simulation such as exhaust gas on the visual side,
I also want to implement “day and night” (just by adding asset guidelines).
I would like to see only the function that changes the image day and night with the “slider” interface.
By the way, the “Timetable function” MOD has become a hot topic in the workshop.
I couldn’t use the diagram creation software because the day is 60 minutes (or 60 hours?), But I think it’s an interesting mod, such as specifying the estimated arrival time and deciding the corresponding departure time.
Introducing the concept of “time” would require simulation of factory operating hours and people’s life cycles, but the “Timetable function” MOD is a function that should be officially implemented.
I misunderstood that this was the only feature even though it was announced as a “major update”.
News posts on Steam seem to serialize each element of the “update”.
Hallo, ich würde mir gerne mehrspurige Staßen mit mehrspurigen Tramgleisen wünschen. Auch Tramgleise auf der Abbiegespur wären schön.
Grüße Tom
For a simple change it would be fine if there was a possibility too start earlier then 1850. There are in the workshop some nice vehicles for the 1830,s
Beim Spielen TF2 stelle ich mir immer wieder die gleiche Frage. Alles ist dynamisch, außer der Bedarf der Städte und die Industrie. Auch wenn man 300 Jahre spielt, die Stadt brauch wie zu Anfang die gleichen Güter. Warum?
Wäre es nicht viel Interessanter und innovativer, wenn eine Stadt im 19. Jahrhundert andere Güter braucht und im 20. wieder andere oder noch andere dazu.
Auch die Industrie könnte sich wandeln. 18. Jahrhundert einfache Industrie, Holz Eisen, Lebensmittel, Baumaterial.
19. Jahrhundert mittlere Industrie, Stahl, Kunststoff, Benzin, Chemie, Aluminium, Papier Glas. 20. Jahrhundert hoch Industrie, Fahrzeugmanufaktur, Elektronikartikel, Freizeitartikel, Export- Import oder sonst diverses.
Man könnte auch der Entverarbeitenden Industrie die Möglichkeit geben, sich zu spezialisieren. Will man Produkt A, brauch man Holz, und Chemie, für Produkt B, Kunststoff, Aluminium und Glas, für C wieder was anderes. Möglichkeiten ohne ende. Man währe auch nie wirklich fertig, da man ständig neue Strecken und Züge benötigt bzw. alte abreißen oder umbauen muss.
Das wäre dann wirklich ein Fever. Oder ein DLC?
As a map detailer two things I would like to see implemented are;
1. Unlock the camera! The locked tilt and limited zoom are very frustrating when trying to place objects, especially small ones, try placing a hydrant, or smaller, a soccer ball, from 200 ft away.
2. Make the bottom menus un-dockable like the statistics menus, or minimizable, with my ageing eyes the menus are slightly oversize and with the Landscaping/Assets menu open it takes up the bottom 1/3 of the screen making it impossible to place anything at the bottom of the screen and if you are trying to look close at something it would be at the bottom of the screen at it’s closest.
Franchement, c’est un très bon jeu ! J’espère juste que la prochaine mise à jour me permettra d’avoir tous les mods installés via le Steam Workshop. Mais continuez comme ça !!!
Si quelqu’un pourrait me dire comment je peux avoir les mods que auxquels je me suis abonné ?
C’est vraiment dommage de pas avoir les mods !!! ;(
Hallo TF2 Team,
das Wichtigste ist und bleibt:
Kontent-Neue Spiele-Inhalte
Kommunikation mit der Community
Wenn ihr das hinbekommt, wird TF2 ein Dauerbrenner!!!
Hallo, wird es vielleicht ein Konsolen releas geben?
I would like to see the addition of rural village’s and more detailing opportunities such as in TF1 where you could place shrubs and the like for more realistic look. Also limit high-rise buildings and being able to dictate the eara to keep a historical aesthetic. The choice of walled / brick embankments and curved stations, self generating fields to fill the black ground to add to realism. Also dlc packs for regions such as by country, vehicles, architecture and roads, I’d be happy to pay the extra for extra content. If possible a day night cycle.
El juego es bueno pero hay ciertas cosas lo q podrian mejorar.
1. Seria bueno si podrias dar un orden de esperar/cargar a tu Tren parq cada estacion individual.
2.seria bueno poder borrar ciertos caminos definitivamente… se abren uno y otro camino, despues todo es un caos…
3. El carril de Bus , sus semaforos mantienen un verde individual por mucho tiempo, causa problemas de transito. Y en general el movimiento de los autos es muy mal… tranqaderas eternos.
Fuera de esto felicitaciones Exelente juego! Y esperamos q tenga nuevas opciones y mas para pensar.
Can Someone Get Back In Touch With Me Because I Want 2 Ask A Question About Transport Fever 2