Leinen los für das nächste grosse Spiel-Update

Wir sind zurück mit frischen Neuigkeiten über das bevorstehende grosse kostenlose Spiel-Update, das verschiedene neue Tycoon- und Gameplay-Elemente enthält. Das Team war intensiv in den Entwicklungsprozess involviert, und wir freuen uns, ein kurzes Status-Update zu teilen.

Die meisten Features sind bereits implementiert und wir befinden uns in der Phase des internen Testings. Anfang März starten wir eine Reihe von Feature Previews auf unseren Social-Media-Kanälen. Etwas später werden wir eine für euch alle zugängliche Testversion veröffentlichen, ähnlich wie wir es bei den vorherigen Spiel-Updates getan haben. Das Team freut sich schon jetzt auf das Feedback.

Mach euch also bereit, bald mit der Erkundung der neuen Highlights zu beginnen. Wo wir gerade dabei sind, dieses Jahr ist ein vielversprechendes Jahr für Transport Fever 2: wir haben eine volle Agenda und viele Überraschungen sowie Verbesserungen geplant. Zurücklehnen, festhalten und die Fahrt geniessen!

Veröffentlicht in News.

Marlon Stadler

25 Kommentare

  1. I cannot wait to see what happens, hope that there are more boat improvements based on the image these will be great for my Twin Peaks play through!

    Maybe some traffic management options (give way, stop, lane management) would also be nice but I’m not expecting it in a tycoon update?

    Keep up the great work and I cannot wait until March to see what’s coming!

  2. Hope it will be easier to see coverage in cities from bus/truck stations, as well as better overview overall for your lines.
    Should be easy fixes, just better GUI/presentation.

    Also, when you copy a vehicle, the copy doesn’t inherit the maintenance setting!
    If it’s a copy it should, it makes sense!
    So everytime you’ve made some copies for a line, you need to select them all and choose “very high” or whatever is needed for that line so they all get the same setting.

    Simple fixes, but someones gotta do them 😉
    Great game, just needs some more polish to get more accessible and less frustrating to play 🙂


  3. I hope really that there will be a lot of tycoon and managment improvments. And even more possibilities for script modders too make the game more interesting.

    I love this game already. But there is enough eye candy already. After al i’am really excited about this great game. You really made a product i wish for since years

  4. Dear transport fewer 2 enthusiasts and developers!

    Could you please implements some ROAD-TRAFFIC improvements:

    1. SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT – on 2 or 3 lanes, cars and trucks driving on the right side of the road, and use left lanes for passing. On the roads with one way for each direction one car can pass another using oposit direction lane, if there is no traffic in sight.

    2. Lanes Direction signs (straight-only, left-only, right-only) to be implemented for selected load section. Lane traffic pattern that could be assign for road section.

    3. Road signs for „NO TRANSIT TRAFFIC“ for selected roads or „NO TRUCKS“ for selected roads, to avoid trucks transit trough populated or residental areas. So far It oly could be fixed with series of waypoints, which should be posted for each route.

  5. If it does feature maritime improvements I hope that includes improvements to the dock expansion/configuration software.
    It’s very difficult to plop extra docks alongside existing ones.

  6. And another thing! Could you add on the station menu an option that shows how many vehiles as well as howmany lines serve a particular platform.
    it would make platform llocation so much easier at large and busy stations

  7. Quiero que los trenes de vapor tengan que repostar agua y arena cada x kilometros como sucedia en Raildoad Tycoon 2 …y que el tren vaya a cocheras para las modificaciones. Porfavor no es tan dificil y haria el juego mucho mas realista. Tambien pueden hacer que los trenes choquen en vez de detenerse si no hay señal. El ciclo dia/noche tambien estaria genial. Gracias

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