The final update for Transport Fever 2 is on its way

It has already been one year since Transport Fever 2 got released on consoles. Time has flown by and we are overwhelmed by the positive response from the community, which has continued to grow on all platforms in recent months. As we are always listening to our players’ feedback, we are excited to release several improvements as part of the last game update in the second half of the year that many of you have been waiting for.

Today we want to give you a glimpse of two usability improvements: One of the new features is the implementation of better snapping options for road construction. This will make the placement of right angles and 45° junctions much easier and more intuitive. Another highlight is the ability to subsequently replace bridges and tunnels that have already been built without having to manually demolish them first. This not only saves time, but also makes it easier to adapt your infrastructure more flexibly to the technical innovations that will become available in the game over time.

The central element of this final update will be the announced cross-platform mod support for PS5, Xbox Series and all PC versions. We have already cleared many technical hurdles and are now in the middle of implementing this long-awaited feature. We look forward to giving many more players easy access to the content you’ve created for Transport Fever 2.

Together we have come a long way and we look forward to continuing the journey with you. Thank you for being part of the Transport Fever community!

Posted in News.

Martin Hodler


  1. Cross-platform functionality without cross platform multiplayer is nice to have feature, which only very very few actually use.

    Would you rather introduce the Non-stop feature , which actually was asked numerous times by actual players ?
    Brief description: add a station to the line route, choose from loading menu loading type : (Non-stop), then vehicle can set primary and alternative platforms. Point is : Vehicle navigates the station, but non-stop goes thru. While use alternative platform feature for choosing free path.

    • Hi there, is there a reason why you need to add the station as a stop? If you don’t add the station the train will not stop at this station. If the train needs to take a specific route you can use waypoints to direct the trains through it.
      Regards, Martin

      • Hello,

        reason is clear, busy looking station ! The Non-Stop feature allows a train (generally any land vehicle) fly thru a station by using any free platform which is available at the moment.

        In current status of the game, we can make a train fly thru a station, yes, you are right. But it will use only the static line. Example : Current status – 4 platform station, when one is used for loading is also used (pre-planed) for Non-stop transit. Then Non-stop transit have to wait for free platform.
        Example : Proposed status – 4 platform station, when one is used for loading is also used (as main platform) for Non-stop transit. Then Non-stop transit can use alternate platforms to sneak thru

        Basicaly it is all about one train overcome another in the station.
        I would be magnificent, if you player could place the “alternate platform signal” anywhere so we can use alternate paths for siding tracks. I guess that only rule should be thee alternate path can apply to a track which snaps to main track/route all the time.

        Thanks for reading

        • El Narizon, Yes, you are right.
          I think, They knew how the feature should work, it has been discussed so many times, but they play rather play stupid as preferred way of communication.

    • Hi there, unfortunately this issue was introduced with macOS Sonoma. We have evaluated several workarounds without any success. We are still in contact with Apple but we can’t guarantee a fix or give any estimations on this issue. Regards, Martin

  2. Should have a setting in the route manager to skip drop off stops for example i have delivery routes with multiple drops (Hub – Stop 1 – Stop 2) now if everything gets unloaded qt stop 1 for example then the vehicle should be able to skip stop 2 and return to my station.

    • I would like to see the ability to control the percentage of unload. So if there are two unload points, you could set one to 70% and the other to 30%. Just my preference.

  3. How about fixing the ai vehicles in the city’s. Every single city I have in every single game is gridlocked. Really bad ai. How am I supposed to use trucks and buses with this constant congestion. Thos has been a problem since release and is still not fixed. If you going to involve ai vehicles the at least make them work.

    • It would be helpful to have the option to reset vehicles, particularly cars, when they block the path of my bus/tram network. This would allow AI citizens and vehicles to adapt to the new transportation options. Currently, vehicles remain stuck on their original routes, even if blocked, preventing them from using the new trams and buses available. This can lead to congestion, especially near depots, where new trams and buses get stuck behind static vehicles. Another option could be the automatic respawn of cars after a certain amount of time being stuck.

  4. Or has final update complete configurable map sizes both smaller and larger than what is currently possible with experimental enabled (which still is limited to a few stock sizes)
    Making low density long distance builds very limited

    Passing/non-stop Stations would indeed be a very welcome addition

      • When passengers wait at A to go to B, they will wait unti the next vehicle, of the line they booked, comes by. This is absurd: they should take the first available vehicle instead, never mind its line; at least with buses or trams, this is the real life behaviour and the sensible one.

    • Hi cheese, more information will follow in future posts. Make sure to follow us on any of our social media channels to get the latest news about Transport Fever 2. Regards, Martin

    • Hi Saturner, yes we plan to have some mods available as soon as the update will roll out. More and more mods will become available over time after the update as well. Regards, Martin

  5. My hope is that Urban Games’ next game could be a modern city builder. The genre is ripe for a new game especially after a certain sequel to a once-beloved city builder game was released in a buggy, unoptimized, literally unplayable pre-alpha state.

  6. Why cant build subways or trollybus lines? Do you know what is biggest problem for a bus driver? Toilets! They get lot of kidney disorder because of no toilets on bus stations. That should be in game and in real life! We are in 2024, not in 1924!

  7. Is there a reason why the game keep cutting off after half hour. Got to manually save it every 5 mins because it gets lost.
    Plus will there be a update like the PC one with branding for vehicles

    • Hallo Tom 🙂 vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar. Leider wird die Mod-Unterstützung aufgrund von Hardware-Limitationen nur auf PlayStation 5 und Xbox Series verfügbar sein. Grüsse Martin

  8. Are there any plans for one-way train tracks (without needing signals)?

    Two-way tracks are great, but they can be frustrating sometimes, especially when building tracks and designing stations. Here are some ideas that might help:

    Special Waypoint: Create a waypoint that sets the direction for a specific section of track between two junctions.
    Upgradable Tracks: Add an upgrade option for tracks, similar to the “slow/fast” or “with/without catenary” tools, that allows switching between one-way and two-way.
    One-Way Track Variant: Introduce a new type of track that’s one-way by default, eliminating the need for signals (perfect for tight junctions). These tracks would look similar to the existing ones, but with an arrow (->) or double arrow () to indicate direction.

  9. It’s a shame as someone on a last gen console to see that the mods will not be supported. Is this because of performance issues or is it being enforced by companies like sony to stop supporting last gen console?

  10. Hi, My son wants to build metros and undergrounds in his XBOX one, but we can’t find a way to do it.

    So, the Xbox version doesn’t have this feature or we just don’t know how to activate it.

    Could you please give me a hand with it?

    Best Regards

  11. When passengers wait at A to go to B, they will wait unti the next vehicle, of the line they booked, comes by. This is absurd: they should take the first available vehicle instead, never mind its line; at least with buses or trams, this is the real life behaviour and the sensible one.
    PS Sorry about the double post.

  12. Ich freue mich schon sehr auf das Update, ich hoffe durch das Update das sich dann auch die Fahrzeuge realistisch bewegen zb Flugzeuge sollten sich im gate rückwärts raus bewegen nicht mit der Schnauze nach vorne,oder schiffe sollen sich auch im Hafen realistisch bewegen, ich hoffe sehr das dies geändert wird. Ich bin ein großer Fan von TF2 und hoffe das ihr das beim Update berücksichtigt damit würdet ihr jedem eine große Freude machen.

  13. 1. Ist es möglich, den Straßenverkehr mit Vorfahrt zu regeln, vielleicht durch Einfügen von einfachen Verkehrszeichen? Das wäre wirklich wichtig.

    2. Ist es auch möglich, eine Option einzufügen, um Fahrzeuge in kritischen Zuständen automatisch zu ersetzen, ohne dies manuell tun zu müssen?

  14. I like the game til now a lot. But I would also see to couple and decouple trains, maybe using a mod like the hidden stations. That would be a really great afford to simulate real train-traffics. TPF2 is not anymore an only transport-simulation, it is also very cool to build beautiful constructions like in real world. It could be (one of or) the best simulation games ever – and I, and many others, wish, it will!

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