Transport Fever 2 on track

Development is running as scheduled – soon we will release the next episode of the popular “Development Highlights” series.

To shorten the waiting time, in the meantime we present a video of our press event which took place in July in Berlin, Germany. Matching the game, we invited journalists on a historic train composition that drove all around Berlin. It was our pleasure to reveal a first playable version of Transport Fever 2 to the many interested participants.

With this glimpse behind the scenes we would like to say thank you for your interest in the game – see you soon!

Posted in News.

Marlon Stadler


  1. Hey,
    Nice Video ! and can’t wait to see the next Development Highlights Video !
    Is it possible to get one of the mouspads ? Would be really cool to get one.

    Can’t wait until Q4 to get the Game !

    • I agree with that.

      I’am also hoping this game will add a lot more depth and realism than for a big part better graphics and some new features. It must bring a whole new experience and more depth in the game.

  2. I really hope this game will bring a lot more features than only the features we saw for so far.
    It’s a good thing to hear that the freight system will be reworked. But so what for passengers. In the actual game it’s simply as connect some towns too each other. There is no differences between the towns so it makes the game a little boring over time.

    • This would be very easy to implement but with the clock speed used, it would create an inconsistency with the date. the day would be several days and the night also

        • it would be cruel to compare the two games …
          TPF is not a game in the beginning but rather an urban development simulator in which they have implemented few management elements.
          For schedules, I share your opinion, but it will not happen. Ticket prices, vehicle collisions, a more realistic economy and more dependent on the economy, forget that.
          I think the only thing that will be changed is the goods. Instead of conditioning the cities demands with factories production, the factories will produce until filling their stock, which should already be.

        • The one thing I’m really crossing my fingers that they fix is the travel distance. TPF has a cap on how far passengers and goods are willing to travel. It is often impossible to create long distance express trains that move cargo or people from one side of the map to the other. It also means air travel has to be restricted to unrealistically short hops. One thing I think they could do is bring back leisure buildings from Train Fever. Then there would be 3 reasons people travel: Work, Shopping, and Holiday. They could make shopping commute limits relatively short, maybe the neighboring town at the most. Work commutes could be as long as three or four towns away. And Leisure travel could have no limit and could let people go map edge to map edge if the lines exist.

        • I’d also like to see some kind of passenger color coding to show what building type they’re going to (RCI). Something as simple as their shirt color or a glowing color layer that could be turned on and off.

  3. In Transport Fever, Line manager is doing very well. But I found the minimum unit of time lapse is one day, this takes too much time to transport to the destination when transporting material or passengers. Maybe can change minimum unit of time lapse on minute, but the speed of time in the game can be 3 times, 6 times, 12 times, 30 times, 60 times and 120 times. Players can accelerate in-game time lapse, so even if the in-game time scale is a minimum of minutes, it won’t lengthen the length of the game.

    • Anyway, I think Transport Fever and comming soon sequel is doing a great job. I hope that the modular station can have a curved platform, an elevated station, an underground station and a pedestrian bridge can be connected between platform and the exit on the viaduct. For example, Japan has a very amazing three-dimensional station, like Shinjuku or Shibuya. This makes the railway station in Japan look so efficient and amazing.

      • In Japan has a great game call A Train 9 (A列車で行こう9), this game can planning trains how to run in one day.
        Like real Japanese awesome railway system, A Train 9 have nearly simulate train precise departure time in minute.
        So I can deciding when the train will depart from the garage, when it arrives at the station, and then return to the garage in single day. Make the train’s performance more realistic.
        Sorry, this video is Japanese, but the game video shown by this player shows how the time and service planning diagram system in A train 9 is working excellent.
        I love Transport Fever, and A train 9. Thank you all.

      • In Japan has a great game call A Train 9 (A列車で行こう9), this game can planning trains how to run in one day.
        Like real Japanese awesome railway system, A Train 9 have nearly simulate train precise departure time in minute.
        So I can deciding when the train will depart from the garage, when it arrives at the station, and then return to the garage in single day. Make the train’s performance more realistic.

        • Sorry, this video is Japanese, if you are interested, please look for the video “”on YouTube.but the game video shown by this player shows how the time and service planning diagram system in A train 9 is working excellent.
          It also shows how the trains density is so close in the Japanese railway system, and how short the signalling block distance is. Even if there is no signalling block system in A Train 9.

        • A train was my first video game of train.
          It was actually the third part of a cult series in Japan “take a train” but the first two parts never released in europe
          This game was in black and white, with some sound effects on the speaker, and there was already the alternation of day and night, passenger variations during the night and day, you could build a station no matter where and automatically, if the station was supplied with merchandise, the city began to develop.
          Management is very advanced in Atrain, it’s the most advanced I’ve seen and I think I know them all.
          The biggest problem of the game is that there is no animation in the cities. no ciculation, no pedestrians. It is the strong bridge of TPF! Most players have nothing to do with TPF management, they just want to build realistic rail networks in realistic cities cause TPF management sucks.

  4. Really nice!
    The game have the cycle nigth/day ?
    This is possible to play with friends ?
    I love Transport Ferver 😀
    I certainly sure then i’ll love the Transport Ferver 2 <3

  5. Wann kommt den eine neue Folge? Oder ein neuer Trailer oder Gameplay?
    Ich bin so gespannt auf eure Spiel. Und wünsche euch viel Spass bei eurer Arbeit.

  6. Es scheinen sich ja nur englischsprechende Menschen für Train Fever 2 zu interessieren…
    Ist ja auch klar – wenn das Video ebenfalls in Englisch präsentiert wird.
    Eine Schande, daß die Sprache des Ursprungslandes (oder spricht die Schweiz nicht mehr deutsch?) so vernachlässigt wird.
    Warum sollen sich die Anderen nicht dem Deutschen anpassen?

  7. I would rather get the game later with a better quality and details.Don’t rush this,take your time.For example,I think it is better to give every house a garage than let the cars pop out of nowhere,and again,give each vehicle some different paint jobs will be nice.I have tons of ideas,hope you can contact me.
    I have my wallet ready,wish you get the game ready:)

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