Transport Fever 2 receives official release date

We are thrilled to announce today the official release date of Transport Fever 2.

Transport Fever 2 will be released on December 11, 2019 on Steam and other platforms.

Next, we will soon publish a game-play video and announce details about pre-order.

Thank you very much for the interest in the game and best regards from the entire Urban Games team.

Posted in News.

Marlon Stadler


  1. Ich habe schon über verschiedene Wege (Facebook, Kontaktformular, Kommentare) versucht Sie zu kontaktieren. Leider habe ich nie eine Antwort erhalten. Hier mein vierter Versuch: Können Sie erklären, wieso TF2 nicht für Mac OS erscheint, obwohl dies zuerst auf allen Plattformen so angekündigt wurde und die beiden Vorgänger auch schon für Mac erschienen sind? Ich finde das sehr schade. Ich hoffe auf ein besseres Communitymanagement als vorgängig und danke für eine Antwort.

    • In deinem Leben erfüllen sich auch alle Wünsche zu 100% in der von Dir angestrebten Zeit? Die Jungs von Urban Games haben sicher gerade alle Hände voll zu tun um den Release vorzubereiten. Geduld junger Padawan

  2. Congratulations on the release date.
    I overlooked a notification from Steam. I noticed that the “release date” was announced when I watched GSEntertainment’s Jenesee live broadcast.

    By the way, the official trailer video posted here has the same content as the video so far, and I could not know the specifications of TpF2.
    For example, how do you construct the expressway crossing introduced in the video? To make a viaduct or subway, you need a tool that can specify the absolute height from the ground.

    • I’d assume that it’s going to be rather straight forward. We could see them make an in game tutorial, but even if we don’t see one, there will probably be one on youtube, and there will be plenty of play throughs from which you can learn off of. They drastically improved the construction tools from TF to TPF, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they have done the same for TPF2.

    • For example, common to previous TF and TpF series,
      I think that the specifications that the track will be built ‘bumpy’ will not be resolved unless the specification of the map data of the game is changed, not the upgrade of the “construction tool”.
      Similarly, I want to split the underground and surface layers. It is not possible to support the construction of multi-level elevated artificial ground like “A-TRAIN” only by upgrading the tool in the game.
      I request every time a new series is announced. Will it continue to say in the future?

    • Bekommst du bei FIFA einen Rabatt weil du bereits FIFA XX hattest? Ich bin mir sicher die Jungs von Urban Games verwenden dein Geld um an Verbesserungen für das Spiel zu arbeiten.

        • “FIFA is not a game…”. Well, maybe because it’s a completely different game genre? Also you don’t have to rely on modders if you don’t want to, game offers it’s fair share of well designed vehicle models to choose from, depending on scenario being played.

  3. I haven’t played transport fever since transport fever 2 was announced. I dont know why, but j just get the feeling like I will make a profitable company, only to have transport fever 2 released. Also, do we say TF2 even though it’s the same and team fortress 2?

  4. Was hat es mit den “Player owned” Straßen (0:51) auf sich? Ist es möglich Straßen zu markieren, damit sie von der KI nicht weiter zu/umgebaut werden?
    Da UG hier eh nicht antwortet, könnte ein Tester vieleicht mal was dazu sagen wie “Möglicherweise ist es so,.dass…” 😉

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