Table of Contents

Modular Constructions

With Transport Fever 2, the concept of modular constructions was introduced. They are built like every other construction with parameters but can be edited afterwards by adding and removing some parts like pieces of a puzzle. These parts are called modules. The locations where they can be placed are indicated by slots.

To provide different start configurations, it is possible to define construction templates.

Construction Templates

A single .con construction file can provide several constructions to the player with different properties and icons. These can be defined in a constructionTemplates block in the shared construction file:

constructionTemplates = {
    type = "DYNAMIC",
    constructionType = "STREET_STATION",
    availability = { ... },
    description = {
      name = _("Bus/tram station"),
      description = _("Modular bus/tram station."),
      icon = "ui/construction/station/street/passenger_era_a.tga",
    data = {
      params = { ... },

For each of the blocks in the constructionTemplates list, there will be a new item in the construction menu. The block contains several parameters:

data is a block for additional data that is used depending on the type of the template. For “STATIC” templates, there is an initialModules block containing a mapping of modules to slotIDs like the one that is shown in the code sample below. For “DYNAMIC” construction templates, there is a params block like the ones known from conventional constructions.

In the main construction, there is a createTemplateFn function called for dynamic templates that is used to feed the initial module setup depending on the parameters from the data block. It receives several parameters:

The function returns a mapping of modules to slotIDs. This may look like

  [10001000] = "station/air/airfield_main_building.module",  
  [10002004] = "station/air/airfield_hangar.module",  
  [10070002] = "station/air/airfield_passenger_terminal.module"

Method Cycle

The way the constructions are built is defined in the game.config.ConstructWithModules function that can be found in the base_config.lua in the res/config folder. This function is called whenever a construction should be built, either temporary as preview or permanent.

In the default implementation, it calls the updateFn function of the construction (line 41) and stores its result. If the parameters contain modules - both via template calls or during construction reconfiguration - a second part is executed (line 49 and below). For each module, sorted in ascending order of the slotIds, the following steps are executed:

  1. Search for the slotId in the list of existing slots in the current result set from the construction and previous modules (line 62 - 67).
  2. If the slotId is not in the list and invalid slots are not accepted (result.callInvalidModules unset or false) skip the current module (line 68).
  3. Fetch the slot location (line 69) and tag name (line 70).
  4. Prepare the addModel function (line 72 - 80).
  5. Call the updateFn function of the module and provide the addModel function (line 93).

Finally if the construction added a terminateConstructionHook, that will be executed (line 101).

Construction UpdateFn

The updateFn function of the construction is used to assemble the core elements of the construction add put them in the result data struct. This may cover basic models, ground faces and terrain alignments as well as additional functions that can be called from modules later.


The function receives a larger set of parameters:

Further it receives a list of all modules that should be built for the construction in modules:

  modules = {
    [10001000] = {
      metadata = {},
      name = "station/air/airfield_main_building.module",
      updateScript = {
        fileName = "",
        params = {}
      variant = 0

The index is the slotID where the module should be placed. The properties are:

Return Data Struct

The result data struct contains several blocks. These cover the usual return properties of constructions as well as specific ones for modular constructions:

It is possible that construction extend the result by custom properties, e.g. helper functions that can then be used by modules at a later point.

The description below only covers those that are specific for the modular constructions. See the construction basics and construction types for a more in detail explanation on the other parts.

In the result.slotConfig list, there can be restrictions for some slot types. The list uses the slot type as a key and contains two properties for each entry:

The result.slots block is a list of all currently existing slots in the construction. Each entry in the list has the following properties:

Construction UpgradeFn

The upgradeFn function currently is only used by rail stations. It is used to react on the use of some modification tools like the electrification and track type refit tool.

The function receives several parameters to compute and returns a list of mappings from slotIds to modules. These are replacing previous modules at these slots.

The parameters are:

The return structure is an indexed list like:

return {
  [10001000] = "station/rail/modular_station/platform_high_speed_track.module",
  [10001010] = "station/rail/modular_station/platform_high_speed_track.module",


A module is a construct of one or mode models that can be placed in certain positions in modular constructions. The basic structure of a module is:

function data()
return {
  type = "hangar",
  -- other meta information
  -- update function, which adjusts the module according the parameters
  updateFn = function(result, transform, tag)
  -- function that provides the models for floating modules attached to the cursor while placing.
  getModelsFn = function()

Each modules has a type, a set of metadata properties, an updateFn function and a getModelsFn.

The type is a key that is used to restrict modules to a certain slot type.

The modules have individual metadata properties:

To provide additional static metadata, the modules can provide more information in a metadata block. This will be sent to the updateFn of the construction.

Module UpdateFn

The updateFn function of modules is called after the construction updateFn to add the models of the module to the construction as well as do all the stuff that is needed for the module, e.g. adding terminals. It receives several parameters:

  1. the result of the updateFn from the construction or the module that was called before containing all previously added models, data etc.
  2. the location of the slot relative to the construction origin as a transformation matrix. This should be applied to all models of the module.
  3. a tag that should be added to the models in the result to assign them to the current module at that slot.
  4. the slotId that is a unique numeric identifier of this slot.
  5. the addModuleFn function is a function that adds models to the construction and ensures that the correct tag is set. It is defined in the baseConfig.lua in ConstructWithModules.
  6. the params block containing all params that the construction got for its updateFn function too.

Note that not all modules need every parameter. It is possible to omit parameters from the end of the function header. A function that uses only some of the parameters could look like:

updateFn = function(result, transform, tag)
  result.models[#result.models + 1] = { 
    id = "station/air/airfield/hangar.mdl",
    transf = transform,
    tag = tag
  local faces = { {-25.0, -25.0, 0.0, 1.0}, {25.0, -25.0, 0.0, 1.0}, ... }
  modulesutil.TransformFaces(transform, faces)
  result.groundFaces[#result.groundFaces + 1] = {  
    face =  faces,
    modes = {
        type = "FILL",
        key = "airfield_hangar.lua",
	texCoords = { {.0, .0}, {1.0, .0}, {1.0, 1.0}, {.0, 1.0} }
  -- add further stuff		

Make sure to apply the transformation matrix received as transform parameter to all models, ground faces, terrain alignments, … of the module before adding them to the result.

The updateFn should return the result that was received where the content of the module was inserted.

Module GetModelsFn

The getModelsFn is a function without parameters. It returns a list of models that should be used for the floating preview that follows the mouse cursor while not pointing on a slot. The function looks like:

getModelsFn = function()
  local result = {
      id = "station/air/airfield/hangar_preview.mdl",
      transf = transf.scale(, 1, 1)),
  return result